
Date: July 19th 7pm-1am
Place: Evergreen Brick Works (Toronto Canada)
Mike Giant vs Tom Gilmour
Sam Flores vs Joseph Martinez
Zach Johnsen vs Jonny Crap
Joshua Davis vs Chuck Anderson
Brian Espiritu vs Hydro74
Faith47 vs Daleast
Eduardo Bertone vs Doublenaut
Dubelyoo vs Gene Pendon
Matt Barnes vs David Glantz
Marco Crawley vs Rcade
Taka Sudo vs Graham Curran
Ben Tour vs Vladimir Kato
Kwest vs Bacon
Skam vs Peru143
Chase Tafoya vs Dresden The Barbarian
Che Kothari vs Nick Simhoni
Jacqui Oakley vs Jamie Lawson
Andy Kittmer vs Angie Fey
Matt Darling vs Nancy Rose
Shingo Shimizu vs Carson Ting

I’m showing 5 new works in the group show “DOS” which is opening in Toronto Canada on July 19th.
“DOS” is the 2nd annual event of art, music and food. 40 amazing international artists were paired up in two’s, and pairs worked on the same chosen them.
I’m so pleased and honored I could collaborate on the theme with really great artist Graham Curran.
This will be this year’s biggest art show in Canada. Don’t miss out if you are in Toronto.

7月19日の夜にカナダのトロントで開催されるイベント “DOS” で新作5点展示します。
今年で2年目のアート、ミューシック、フードのイベント。40名のアーティストが招待され、2名ずつのペアを組んでペアごとに同じテーマで作品制作してます。僕はLAの Guraham Curran とチームを組んでます。素晴らしい作品作るアーティスト!

カテゴリー: ART